Calligraphy is a visual hand writing art. It is the execution of lettering with a pen or ink brush. We can call the contemporary calligraphic practice as “the art of giving form to signs in harmonious, expensive and skillful manner.
Calligraphy word which means line or a line of writing in Arabic language. Artists introduce calligraphy as a meaning of beautiful hand writing. Calligraphy is beautiful writing art and we call writers as calligraphers. It is quite special art and really good idea to buy as a souvenir. There are many master artists in Grand Bazaar. It is worth to see very beautiful pieces there. Especially I saw one store. The artist was writing on dried dieffenbachia leaves.
Kinds of Calligraphy
It has various kinds such as Kufic, Thuluth, Naskh, Absolute, Reyhani, Tevki (Sultan’s sign), Icaze, Tafsir, Divani (Official letter of royalty). Seljuks and Ottomans had used in many kinds of Arts and handcrafts. Like carpet weaving, drapery, leatherworking, binding, books, ornamenting, porcelain making, amber objects making, ink making, furniture making.
Value parted with writing involved to accentuate the Calligraphy in Islamic Culture. Especially, It had improved very well in the Ottoman culture and risen to esthetic level. Fairly, it replaced with the paintings in western pictorial art.
Ottoman Royalty had taken cared of master calligraphers well. It was a wealthy hand writting art and very expensive. Actually, Buying a frame of calligraphy is not cheap. But it is very beautiful to decorate the wall with this special hand writing. ottoman artists had used this beautiful hand writing in various places. They used on boards, daily used goods such as carpet borders, boxes, vases, plates, mosques etc
Calligraphy is not a cursory writing. Each writing type has own specialties and rules. Along the history, famous calligraphers created writing rules time by time and specified them. The various writing types specified by their specialties like being the letters capital or small, style, gaps, adjoining some letters to each others, using some dictations.