FAQs - Public (National) Holidays in Turkey

Turkish people are so proud to celebrate National Holidays. Therefore, Public National holidays in Turkey are important. So for the following holidays, banks and offices, schools are closed. But all museums, restaurants, cafes, shops(except Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar) are open.

  • 1st January ( New Year’s Day):

    Most of time all official places are closed as a public Holiday. But sometimes Government may decide to cancel the holiday. It has to be checked before coming to Turkey. But All touristic attractions are open.

  • 23rd April:

    It is National Sovereignty and Children’s Day. Mustafa Kemal ATATURK who is the founder of Turkey had founded Parliament House (TBMM) in Ankara in 23rd April 1920 and then They started to do charity programs for orphan children. After 1926, Ataturk declared that he gave this important date to the whole children in the world. Therefore, Children from all over the world have been invited to Turkey for celebrating this national day together.

  • May 1st– International Labor and Solidarity Day:

    It is an occasion for some people to demand better conditions for skilled laborers and union workers. But also many other people use this public holiday to relax as a leisure day.

  • May 19th-The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day:

    The founder of Turkey , Mustafa Kemal ATATURK had arrived in Samsun by ship on 19th May 1919 for starting uprising against the decision of World War I allies. The decision of allies was dividing many territories of defeated Ottoman Empire. All Turkish people accepts this date as the starting date of Independence Turkish War (1919-1923). Turkish Government declared 19th May to be the Commemoration of Ataturk, Youth and Sports Day as Ataturk’s wish and made it an official public holiday in 1938. It is official public day in Turkey and features state ceremonies and sport events throughout the country each year on 19th All administration buildings, post offices, banks, schools are closed on this day. Also Grand Bazaar, Spice Bazaar are closed in Istanbul on this day too.

  • August 30th-Victory Day:

    Turkish Republic commemorates Turkish Victory against Greek forces in Dumlupınar Battle (26-30th August 1922).The outcome of battle determined the successful outcome of Independence Turkish War. Although, most of foreign forces had left the country after this war in 1922. So, Turkish people accept 30th August as Turkish troops date overall Victory. It became a national public holiday in 1935.

  • 29th October-Republic Day:

  • After the Victory of Turkey in the Independence War of Turkey, New founded Turkish parliament proclaimed the new Turkish state as Turkish Republic. New Parliament adopted new constitution in 29th October 1923 by replacing the constitution of Ottoman Empire. Ataturk became the first president of Turkey at the same day. According to Mustafa Kemal ATATURK, Republic Day is the most important day of Turkey and Turkish People.