Safety in Turkey

Is it safe to travel Turkey as a single woman?

Turkey is such a modern country and very safe country to travel. Each city or country in the world have safe and unsafe places, streets etc. So, It is safe. But we cannot promise safety who is looking for trouble in their life. There are cameras in every street corners especially in big cities.

Is it safe to travel in Turkey?

Most of the people scared to come to Turkey in last 4 years. You can believe us, when you land to Turkey, all your fears will fly away from window. I am a Turkish citizen and have been living alone in biggest city of Europe, Istanbul. I believe that as much as I try to explain it is safe, Everyone is going to think that I am lying. Anyway, as a tour guide who has been guiding more than 27 years and a travel agent; safety of my guests is the most important case for me. Of course I cannot promise for the issues happening in the life. It can be earthquake, flood, disease, car accident, violence etc. All these bed events can occur everywhere. They can occur even outside of your house door. No one can give a guaranty of safety in life. So Turkey is safe as much as your home. There is heavy security controls in Turkey not to have these problems again. Yes It happened 4 years ago. But it is over. Also, I have the tell that to make you sure there is no war in Turkey. Even media says that the cities on the border of Turkey are not safe. We do not have any problems in these places. We organize culture and history tours to these places and walk around safely on the border. Nothing happens there.

Turkish people is very hospitable to guests whoever visits home. We say that “if anyone knocks the door gently,  he is the guest of god” and we give cleanest place in our house, share our food. This is Turkish culture. How come it is not going to be safe for westerns. Whoever visits Turkey, These people are our guests and are safe here.