Fertile Crescent
The region which has been talked as Fertile Crescent draws a curve between east point of Mediterranean Sea and the Persian Gulf. It had been the area where Civilizations of Asia Minor and Middle East. “Fertile Crescent” term was called by archaeologist James Henry Breasted in 1914 and then also called the ancient times and a history of early world in 1916. He had drawn the Fertile Crescent as crescent lies like an army facing south, with a wing stretching by the eastern shore of Mediterranean Sea and another wing reaching out to Persian Gulf, while the center has its back against the northern mountains. The end of eastern wing was Babylonia and end of western wing was Palestine. Therefore, Assyria made up a large part of center. That great semicircle, for lack of a name had been called Fertile Crescent by James Henry Breasted first.
History Facts
- It was the place where humans started to farm and housing for settled life from hunter forager period during the Neolithic age. It was the first region where settled farming. They had grown newly domesticated plants as crops. Therefore, they had invented beer as first drink and used as holy drink in rituals at the temples, Especially in Gobeklitepe…
- During the Neolithic age it was warm and had Mediterranean climate. All northern places of area were iced, and this area was not iced during the iced age. And this region had green and fertile lands. So, it was called fertile crescent by the historian in 19th century to identify the region during the old ages.
- Mesopotamia, Southeastern Anatolia, Eastern Mediterranean (Palestine, Lebanon, Antioch area), Northern Syria are in the borders of Fertile Crescent.
- Early human civilizations such as Sumerians flourished in the region as a result. Advantages of the region included the development of agriculture, irrigation, writing, the wheel, and glass, mostly emerged first in Mesopotamia.
- The oldest civilizations of the World in the history had been born and developed here. And then those civilizations had pioneered to later were born civilizations especially on the west.
- The oldest known settlement was born in lands of Fertile Crescent information was substantiated with radiocarbon researching and tests…
- Fertile Crescent Region have been the homeland of 8 yields which had been the founder yields of the Neolithic age culture. These 8 crops are wheat, einkorn, barley, chickpea, green pea, vetch and linum.
- Also, there are founder domestic animals of Neolithic culture. 4 of those domestic animals were sheep, pig, cow and goat. Their homeland was Fertile crescent too… the 5th founder domestic animal was horse. And horse had been brought from its homeland Caucasus.
- Fertile Crescent region was the place where the wildcat domesticated.
- Fertile Crescent geographical region which was known as the Asia Minor and Near East has been divided to three regions as Anatolia, the Levant, and Mesopotamia.
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